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Welcome to KarmaCords!

* Stand Out *   Own Your Power *  Be Inspired *

* Break Through Limitations *  Live Joyfully *  Spread Harmony *

* Bring Your Positive Energy To The World! *



Now, especially during these times of powerful transformation, wearing my Lotus-Flower of Life Necklaces from KarmaCords helps me to keep my heart open.
It keeps me aware of being a channel of love. It brings me comfort, and many people are attracted to its beauty, which glows in the sunlight. The Earth frequency imprinting helps me to feel grounded and balanced. I wear it every day, because I want to carry the high vibration near my heart space when I am at home and in public and I know it helps me to stay grounded

Author's name
Yolanda L

Have you every felt off balance? Disconnected? If so definitely check out KarmaCords. I purchased a aromatherapy necklace with the added earth frequency Imprinting! I love that I can change the essential oils I use. I use lavender and Frankincense. I found that if I forget to put my necklace on in the morning, I feel off, like I'm not self centered. I've only forgotten twice. And that was when I first purchased it. Now I feel balanced and connected to Mother Earth! And I never go a day without wearing it!! What Sanjay does is absolutely amazing! Please check one out! I know in my heart that you will not regret it!!!

Author's name
Sherry M